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LEGO Fortnite: how to recruit villagers

How to recruit villagers to your town in LEGO Fortnite

The idea in LEGO Fortnite is that you slowly grow your village with your friends to create something spectacular, letting your creative whims run free. However, you’ll also want to get NPCs on board too, as they can aid you on adventures as well as do some of the more menial work for you to keep the village growing over time.

We’ll explain how to get villagers into your town so you can get underway growing your new virtual home. If you want to know more about what there is to do, check out our guide for how to regain health and set your spawn point in LEGO Fortnite.

How to recruit villagers in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite Village Square

The Village Square is the center of any village.

First, after creating your first few objects, the Village Square will be added to your construction menu. It costs ten wood and ten granite to build, which can be easily farmed from your nearby area. You can place it down almost anywhere, but note the glowing circle, as this represents the boundaries of your village, so make sure you’re happy with where it’s placed.

After you’ve put it down, wait a little while and at some point during the day, a potential villager will show up and hand around the Village Square. You can chat with them and get them to stick around until the end of the coming night.

LEGO Fortnite recruiting Aura

Loads of different characters can turn up to your village in LEGO Fortnite.

While they’re there, you can talk to them again and ask for them to join their village. They’ll have requirements before they will agree, but in most cases, all you need is a free bed and enough space in your village to accommodate them. You slowly gain more spots for villagers as you upgrade your village, which is also done at the Village Square.