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Looks like Rocksteady wants Joker-themed Suicide Squad DLC

A report from The Daily Chuckle

Rocksteady teased what looks a lot like Joker-themed Suicide Squad DLC during a recent Discord AMA session for the upcoming superhero game. After the last question, Rocksteady community manager Darroch Brown pulled out a surprise (thanks, PCGamesN).

“Since we just finished talking about our endgame, here’s a tease for something that might come even later…,” Brown said, before posting a piece of concept art.

The sketch shows Suicide Squad leader Harley Quinn standing in front of The Daily Chuckle. The name alone evokes the idea of the criminal clown, but if that weren’t enough, outside the heinous office building are two large nutcrackers with painted faces that look quite a lot like the Joker.

A sketched Harley Quin stands outside a multicolored towered building called The Daily Chuckle. Two large nutcracker-style soldiers painted like The Joker stand guard outside.

Will the Joker return? It probably depends on how many people buy Suicide Squad.

Rocksteady developed the Batman Arkham games, which also featured the Joker, but there’s a catch in all this that has fans wondering what’s going on. The Arkham Joker is dead. Well, as dead as any supervillain can be, anyway. If Rocksteady brought him back, it would hardly be the first time a comic book character got a second – or 15th – chance at life again. The whole point of the Suicide Squad game is that the Justice League must die, but they surely won’t stay dead forever.

Rocksteady could also just have Harley take up Joker’s mantle or stumble onto something connected to him, but not actually requiring his return to life.

And since Brown said “something that might come later,” this proposed expansion might not happen at all. Kill the Justice League isn’t inspiring much confidence in some players and previewers. Interest around the game remains high anyway, though whether that’s enough to warrant DLC is another matter.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League launches on Feb. 2, 2024.