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After the almost breezy Act I, Diablo 4 takes a sharp turn in the second act to offer much more of a challenge. Filled with difficult hordes of enemies and boss fights, it all comes to a head with one of the most difficult fights of the game.

Diablo 4's Act II reaches its climax with the Astaroth boss fight. It isn't the first major boss in the game, but it's certainly the longest and toughest in the early game. As we mentioned in our Diablo 4 review, the bosses are one of the game's highlights, as they're both a lot of fun and quite challenging to deal with.

By now, you should have defeated some pretty tough enemies, but these won't be enough to prepare you to face Astaroth, who can be quite tricky if you get there unprepared. In this Diablo 4 Astaroth boss guide, you can find everything you need to know to defeat the big bad of Act II.

Make sure you check out our tips and tricks for Diablo 4, as they can help you get through tough boss fights like this one without too much trouble. If you’re thinking of trying again with a different class, you should also take a look at what we think is the best starting class in Diablo 4.

How to beat Astaroth - Diablo 4 boss guide

First of all, upgrade your equipment and wear something that improves your Fire Resistance.

Astaroth has three types of attacks:

  • Rings of fire
  • A melee strike
  • A jump attack

The melee attack is unsubstantial and sees the boss strike with his fang — it isn’t too much of a worry, as it only deals a small amount of damage, but it’s easily avoided by standing a bit further back if you can.

One of his more concerning attacks is when he throws out three beams of fire. When you see him winding up for this attack, try to move yourself behind him, since it only hits in front of him, and he tends to turn fairly slowly. The boss room has plenty of space, so don't worry about moving around as much as you need.

As for the fire circles, these pop up on the ground and crowd the whole area, making it much more difficult to navigate. The advice here is to get as far away from the fire as possible, dodging if you need to and holding off on attacking until it’s safe to move around a little bit.

The jump attack is the toughest one to deal with, as it deals a huge amount of damage and sometimes knocks you down for a few moments. A good trick here is to dodge toward Astaroth as he’s about to land, and not dodge away, as you'd naturally tend to do — time it well enough and you should be able to avoid taking damage altogether.

Remember to keep your health topped up too. Astaroth's HP bar has three different health segments, and depleting each of them will drop healing potions for you to use. The same goes for the other enemies Astaroth will summon from time to time, who often drop potions too. If you’re low on health, move your focus from Astaroth onto the minions, while keeping an eye on the boss’s attacks.

Follow our advice above, and you will easily succeed in defeating Astaroth in Diablo 4's Act II.