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Hogwarts Legacy eyeball chests: how to open the eye chests

Eyeball chests in Hogwarts Legacy will snap shut as soon as you get close, but we'll tell you how to claim their loot
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Hogwarts’ walls hide many secrets, and as you explore the castle you’re sure to find all manner of chests storing all manner of goodies. Even though you’re looting the entire castle from top to bottom, no one seems to want to stop you, except for one cautious hero: the Hogwarts Legacy eyeball chest.

You’ll find a handful of these chests scattered throughout the world and they’ll do everything they can to stop you from taking the riches they hold. You should definitely be looting them though, as they each contain 500 gold, making them one of the quickest ways to earn money in Hogwarts Legacy.

Make sure to read through our other Hogwarts Legacy guides for everything you need to know about the game, including puzzle solutions, item locations, and more.

How to open eye chests – Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Eyeball chest

Hogwarts Legacy eyeball chests require you to know the Disillusionment charm.

These cheeky chests will shut themselves up tight if they spot you approaching, so you need to take a more subtle approach.

If you look under the massive disturbing eyeball on each of the chests, you’ll notice a symbol on an eye with a line through it. You probably won't recognize it if you're early on in the game, but as you progress you'll learn the Disillusionment charm.

You’ll learn this spell by progressing through the main story if you don’t already know it. It will make sure invisible for as long as you need, so back away from the chest until it opens again, cast it on yourself, and approach. 

If you've done it correctly, you'll notice that the eyeball on the chest will be closed shut as you approach. You can also use Invisibility Potions for the same effect, but Disillusionment is free. 

Once you're close enough you can open it to get a sweet 500 gold.

If you want to catch up on the controversies surrounding the game and book author J.K. Rowling, you can read our explainer at that link.