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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC: how to evolve Milcery into Alcremie

How to evolve Milcery into Alcremie in the Indigo Disk Pokémon Scarlet & Violet DLC

Out of the many returning Pokémon in the Indigo Disk DLC, Milcery and Alcremie are among the most complicated. Alcremie can come in all sorts of different colors depending on several different factors, and it is one of a small handful of Pokémon that have strange evolution methods. No level-ups, evolution items, or trades are required for this one, but there’s still a lot to think about.

We’ll tell you how to evolve your Milcery into an Alcremie, and how to get the exact color patterns that you want.

How to evolve Milcery into Alcremie in the Indigo Disk Pokémon DLC

Pokemon Alcremie

Alcremie comes in a wide range of different colors depending on how you evolve it.

First things first, you need to track down one of the many different types of sweets. Some are rarer than others, but here are all the possible types:

  • Strawberry Sweet
  • Berry Sweet
  • Love Sweet
  • Star Sweet
  • Clover Sweet
  • Flower Sweet
  • Ribbon Sweet

Unfortunately, no shop sells these, and your only hope of finding one is by picking them up from the various sparkling spots on the ground, or by randomly getting them out of the Item Printer in Blueberry Academy.

Once you’ve given Milcery a sweet to hold, you need to perform a spin, which you do by rapidly turning your character around by spinning the analog stick. Eventually, they will start spinning on the spot. Doing a simple spin is enough to evolve Alcremie, but the direction you spin, the time of day, and the length of time you spin can affect what color your Alcremie will come out as.

How to get every Alcremie color in the Indigo Disk Pokémon DLC

Alcremie flavorSpinning instructions

Vanilla Cream

Spin clockwise for less than 5 seconds during the day

Ruby Cream

Spin anticlockwise for less than 5 seconds during the day

Matcha Cream

Spin clockwise for less than 5 seconds at night

Mint Cream

Spin anticlockwise for less than 5 seconds at night

Lemon Cream

Spin clockwise for more than 5 seconds at night

Salted Cream

Spin anticlockwise for more than 5 seconds at night

Ruby Swirl

Spin anticlockwise for more than 5 seconds during the day

Caramel Swirl

Spin clockwise for more than 5 seconds during the day

Rainbow Swirl

Spin anticlockwise for more than 10 seconds at dusk