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The Cyberpunk 2077 mod HD Reworked is in development from Witcher 3 modder Halk Hogan, the same person who made The Witcher 3 HD Reworked, and it brings similar improvements to CDPR’s more recent RPG. Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked overhauls the game’s textures, adding extensive levels of detail where previously you only saw blurry smears, and making features such as paper lanterns and even leaves look more realistic.

“Finally, it's time for Cyberpunk 2077 HDRP,” Halk Hogan said in their announcement. This game definitely deserves love. I've been working on this project for a short time, but… some work is already completed. The initial version (1.0), will be focused on reworked, various low-resolution textures and [making] them definitely more eye candy preserving original art style [sic]. More updates are also planned.”

The trailer shows an impressive level of detail that still remains true to the original, but what stands out the most is the shot of graffiti painted on one of Night City’s underpasses. The reworked version shows not just the paint’s texture, but even the concrete underneath it, which is a notable improvement over the flat, slightly smeared textures of the original.

The mod doesn’t have a release date just yet, but the accompanying trailer shows some of what to expect. It’s all very much like their work on The Witcher 3, which CD Projekt RED picked up and included in The Witcher 3’s next-gen update. It seems unlikely they’ll do the same for Cyberpunk, a game that already has a next-gen release, so like most mods, you’ll only be able to use Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked on the PC version.

Halk Hogan is working on still more improvements to their Witcher 3 mod as well, enhancing the textures and visuals beyond the changes in the game’s next-gen release.