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Enshrouded cracks a million players in four days in the wake of Palworld’s success

It’s a good month for survival crafting games
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Launching a survival crafting game a week after the astounding release of Palworld seems like the worst idea ever, but it looks like the developers of Enshrouded managed to make it work: In just four days after being released, the game from German studio Keen Games has reached a million players. This might not equalize a million sold copies just yet, since the title is available via streaming service Nvidia GeForce Now as well as Steam, but still marks a success for the indie developer.

Enshrouded offers a more traditional take on survival crafting than Palworld with its addition of creature collection mechanics, being set in a medieval world of swords and sorcery. It features in-depth skill trees to customize characters and, just like Palworld, allows players to join their friends on co-op servers. Its visuals, too, are a little grittier than the colorful phenomenon’s style.

Enshrouded screenshot showing a warrior with a glowing sword fighting a giant armored warrior.

Enshrouded is not being swept away by Palworld's success.

“In just four days, Enshrouded has attracted over a million players. We are completely blown away by its success and the overwhelmingly positive reception. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank all our players,” the developer posted on social media.

“We're excited to let you know that this is just the beginning for Enshrouded. We are looking forward to continuing the development of the game with your support, aiming to make Enshrouded the best game it can be. Once again, a heartfelt thank you to everyone,” they continued.

Enshrouded went into Early Access on January 24, 2024, reaching an all-time peak of just over 160,000 concurrent players this past Sunday – a very respectable feat, even though it almost pales in comparison to Palworld’s most recent record of 2,101,535 players from a day prior.

One thing is certain: Fans of survival crafting games are feasting at the moment, getting access to two very fun and promising genre entries in a short period of time.