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Hi-Fi Rush, the new game from Shinji Mikami’s Tango Gameworks, is available today, and it is available to all Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

Yes, Hi-Fi Rush has launched today, and January 25, 2023, to everyone’s surprise. We’re just a few hours away from getting in our hands at the time of writing, and we’re very excited to give it a shot.

It’s a unique action-rhythm game hybrid, with guns and creative combos abound. But one of the most striking aspects of the game has to be its incredible cel-shaded visual style, which feels reminiscent of Gravity Rush, with the color palette of Jet Set Radio. A recipe for success if we’ve ever seen one.

It really does look good, but the best part is that we won’t have to wait to find out. During the Xbox Developer Showcase 2023, Shinji Mikami decided to announce that it’d be releasing the very same day.

The game combines action combat with a rhythm game mechanic.

The game combines action combat with a rhythm game mechanic.

It’s all very exciting, and we’re eager to jump into Hi-Fi Rush to immediately get started. In fact, we’re going to see if it’s available to download right now.