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If you haven’t had the chance to see the Super Mario Bros. Movie in theaters yet, yesterday might have been your lucky day, because somebody posted the entirety of the film on Twitter. All 92 minutes of it, from start to finish, including the post-credits scene.

The account in question was @vidsthatgohard, an account that typically posted funny meme videos and, according to GameSpot, boasted over a million followers. The account posted the Super Mario Bros. Movie across two tweets, the first spanning exactly an hour, and the second showing the remaining 30 minutes.

If you’re wondering how that’s even possible, that’s because vidsthatgohard was subscribed to Twitter Blue, which allows subscribers to upload videos up to an hour in length. It also pushes the worst opinions you’ve ever seen in your life to the top of the replies to any given tweet, but that’s a whole other story altogether.

In a pre-Elon Twitter, somebody posting the entirety or even just part of a film would typically have the content removed within a few minutes. If it was something Nintendo-related, it would often take even less time than that, as Nintendo’s legal team is razor sharp and devastatingly quick and effective.

Not so much anymore, though. After the movie was posted to Twitter, it remained accessible for almost eight hours, and was viewed 9 million times. That’s a huge amount of people who essentially were able to see the movie for free, even if they didn’t sit down and watch the whole thing.

The tweets were eventually removed, and vidsthatgohard was ultimately suspended for the transgression, which is almost certainly a breach of copyright laws in multiple countries. Still, you have to wonder how it took eight hours for an obviously unlawful post to be removed (hint: the mass layoffs at Twitter and the barebones skeleton crew running things probably didn’t help).

It’s unlikely to hurt the movie in the long run, however. The movie is already breaking records, having recently just passed $1 billion earned worldwide, off the back of some pretty positive reviews across the board.

If you still haven’t seen it yet, there’s still time — it’s still showing in theaters around the globe for a few more weeks. We don’t know when it’ll be officially available via streaming, but rest assured that when it does, it probably won’t be on Twitter.