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People Can Fly seemingly has doubts about Square Enix and Project Gemini

Group is holding discussions with Square Enix about the game
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People Can Fly, the studio behind Outriders and Bulletstorm, is holding discussions about the fate of Project Gemini with its publisher Square Enix, according to a public statement.

These “strategic discussions” revolve around “the scope of Project Gemini and the terms of cooperation.”

Project Gemini was announced with a tentative 2026 release date. Platforms, IP, and genre are all unknown at this time. It’s one of several triple-A titles currently in the works at the Polish development studio alongside Projects Dagger, Maverick, Bifrost, and Victoria. Dagger seems to be on hold for now with most of the staff being transferred to other teams, according to Polish site Bankier. After Take-Two dropped out of the project as a publisher last year, it seems like the game has been put back on the drawing board and will likely no longer be regarded as a triple-A project.

People Can Fly logo in white on black background.

People Can Fly and Square Enix seem to have a lot to talk about.

This means that Dagger, Bifrost, and Victoria are all projected to be self-published as of right now. Maverick is a project being worked on with Microsoft, while Gemini was always supposed to be published by Square Enix.

However, it looks like People Can Fly may want out of this deal or at least alter it. In its statement, the company clarified that it’s still currently working on the game under the conditions set out by both parties, however “based on the ongoing discussions, the Management Board considers it highly probable that the development of Project Gemini will not be continued by the Group on the current commercial terms.”

So far, the debate seems to have gone nowhere: “The current stage of discussions with the Publisher does not yet allow the Company to determine the direction and scope of potential changes regarding the principles of cooperation between the parties.”

People Can Fly previously worked with Square Enix on Outriders in a partnership that has not always been harmonic: Both companies have released different statements on the game’s financial success in the past with the developer having received no royalties from Square Enix, suggesting it didn’t turn a profit, after the publisher already claimed it could be its next major franchise. Both parties working together again in the first place at least indicates that those differences have been settled.