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A new Saints Row update is on the way courtesy of Gearbox, who Embracer and Deep Silver gave the game to after launch, and it’s a massive one. The free update, officially called Sunshine Springs after the new region it introduces, launches on May 9, 2023, and the team hopes it addresses at least some of the major criticisms fans have leveled at the open-world game since it released in 2022.

Sunshine Springs itself is a large new area southeast of Saint Ileso, with new missions, activities, and stores, though the team didn’t elaborate much on what to expect there. Most of the blog post is taken up by a massive list of bug changes and features, everything ranging from fixes to friend missions to UI toggles, new enemy logic in certain encounters, and easier ways to unlock certain perks and weapon features.

The update also improves the shooter's combat across the board.

“We heard a lot of feedback about the amount of damage needed to down enemies, and we agreed,” the team said in the post. “Combatant health has been dramatically reduced. This change, combined with several aim and engagement improvements, increases the pace of combat and reduces the ammo starvation. We also made several changes to enemy dodges, since those would sometimes feel unfair.”

Enemies will take longer to call in reinforcements as well, and you can toggle their health bars on and off.

Finally, on the social side, you’re getting an emote wheel that can hold up to eight emotes for quick access and a selfie mode for taking, well, selfies