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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC: is Pecharunt catchable?

Can you catch Pecharunt in the Indigo Disk DLC for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet?

Among the many new legendary and paradox Pokémon added in this DLC, there is one elusive Pokémon that is on everyone’s mind, and it goes by the name of Pecharunt. Discovered by dataminers shortly after the DLC was released, Pecharunt is classified in the game as a mythical Pokémon, and there is data for an encounter with it.

We’ll explain what’s going on with Pecharunt in Indigo Disk, and whether you’ll be able to catch it.

Can you catch Pecharunt in the Indigo Disk Pokémon DLC?

No, Pecharunt is not currently catchable in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. However, it may be soon. Along with Pecharunt as a Pokémon, dataminers have uncovered a story event involving it that is classified as an epilogue for The Treasures of Area Zero DLC. According to those same sources, this epilogue will have about an hour’s worth of gameplay and will result in a boss battle and an opportunity to capture this new mythical Pokémon.

Some story details of the event were also released, but we’ll keep things spoiler-free for when the event releases. As for when that may be, there is currently no indication of when it’s coming, but the fact that it’s seemingly all programmed into the game right now implies it shouldn’t be long.

There is potential that it could be a Christmas or New Year’s treat for players, or perhaps we’ll have to wait a little longer for an event like Pokémon Day at the end of February.

We’ll update this space when any updates are uncovered or announced, so make sure to check this space.