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If you’re playing Capcom’s latest survival horror action game, you’re in for a good time. But is it also a long time? Resident Evil 4 remake will take you around 12-15 hours on your first run, not including time spent watching cutscenes.

The game features 16 chapters of various lengths, and there are also plenty of opportunities to backtrack and hoover up the things you’ve missed, or head back to the merchant or a nearby typewriter to save your progress.

However, you’ll want to play Resident Evil 4 a second time. Once you have access to your unlocks in New Game+ mode, you’ll have a much easier, and quicker, time.

Not only will you be better equipped to deal with the game’s many threats, but you’ll know your way around better. Keep playing and you can eventually finish Resident Evil 4 in around five hours, maybe a little less.

Then again, this depends on whether you’ve opted for Professional difficulty, which unlocks after your first completion. This ramps up the difficulty significantly and forces you to rely on manual saves. Expect much more of a challenge and possibly a longer completion time because of it.

We have a full Resident Evil 4 guide and walkthrough if you want to shave some time off your next run.