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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has nine different skill trees for you to take a peek at, but you should know that they’re not all equally useful or necessary. Depending on your playstyle, you might want to ignore some skill trees and skills entirely, while only focusing on those that are truly useful.

In this guide we’re breaking down the best skills in each skill tree in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Keep in mind that you can reset your skill point allocation at a Meditation Point, but it does remove one skill point from you permanently in exchange.

Best Survival Skills – Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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  • Perfected Stim Formula
  • Expert Survival Skills
  • Teamwork

These three skills have been selected from the Survival Skill Tree for obvious reasons. The Perfected Stim Formula means your stims will heal for the maximum amount, Expert Survival Skills boosts Cal’s health, and Teamwork shortens the time it takes to heal. All essentials for any part of the game.

Best Lightsaber Skills – Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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Listing the best Lightsaber skills is tough, because you should be unlocking all of the skills in whichever of the two Lightsaber stances you’re deciding to stick with, but we’re breaking down our faves here anyway. Remember to take a look at our list of the best Lightsaber Stances, ranked.


  • Dash Strike

The Dash Strike takes you closer to foes while fighting, making it one of the best Skills in this tree.


  • Double Orbit
  • Controlled Throw

Double Orbit and Controlled Throw are both about hitting as many enemies at once, as you can, from as far as possible. Crowd control.

Dual Wield

  • Backstep Slash
  • Dancing Blades

Backstep Slash is the first skill in the tree, but also the most useful. Dancing Blades, meanwhile, will deal out huge damage.


  • Blaster Cooldown
  • Point Blank

Blaster Cooldown allows you to get shots off more often, while Point Blank is an incredibly cool alternative to parrying.


  • Greater Impact
  • Rolling Thunder

Since the Crossguard Stance is slow, the Impact and Greater Impact skills are useful, as it’s an attack that can be used fairly quickly and easily. Rolling Thunder is all about the damage, though.

Best Force Skills – Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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Force Skills are less necessary than Survival and Lightsaber skills, but if you’re interested in using some Jedi Mind Tricks, here are our recommendations.

Jedi Concentration

  • Superior Hold

The Slow ability is very useful, so anything that increases its effectiveness is a good idea.


  • Wrenching Pull
  • Parry Push

Wrenching Pull is the first skill to unlock here, but perhaps the most useful. Parry Push is another alternative to parrying.


  • Confusion Mastery

Hey, if you want to use the Confusion ability, you should go all-in with Confusion Mastery to make it as useful as possible. This is the kind of skill tree you want to max out.