Triumph celebrates Age of Wonders 4 anniversary with free dinosaurs

And a penguin plushie, which is not free
Triumph/Paradox Interactive

Age of Wonders 4, the excellent strategy game from Triumph and Paradox, is one year old, and Triumph is celebrating with some freebies and not-so-freebies. Everyone on PC and console gets an exotic raptor mount and raptor mount skin for free as of May 2, 2024, along with a scaly UI theme.

The not-free celebration is a Dire Penguin plushie, an adorable adaptation of the monster that defeated countless civilizations. You can grab it on Makeshift for $29.99, though it looks like quantities are limited.

The team shared some gameplay stats to celebrate as well. Barbarian is the most popular culture, with Feudal and High close behind. 48 percent of players picked Mortal Champion as their origin ruler, and everyone hates the Molekin, apparently. 70 percent of factions have non-human forms, and Molekin is the least popular.

Triumph also vaguely teased plans for upcoming Age of Wonders 4 expansions, though “vague” is the key there.

“Triumph will continue to develop Age of Wonders 4 beyond the current premium edition,” studio manager Lennart Sas said in the anniversary post. “We are working on more free updates and thrilling premium content. We're eager to share more details with you after the summer. But first, get ready for the Eldritch Realms expansion in June.”

So, yeah. Vague. Anyway, Age of Wonders 3 had three big expansions spread across two or three years. The approach to Age of Wonders 4 has been a bit different so far, with several small packs that shake up the game and one big, influential expansion so far. It’s unclear just how long Triumph plans to continue supporting Age of Wonders 4, but it seems likely there’s a lot more still in store in the coming months and years.

Josh Broadwell