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Everywhere dev Build A Rocket Boy gets a $110 million USD cash injection

Everyone throws money at what they hope is the next Fortnite
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Build A Rocket Boy, the Scottish studio founded by former Rockstar president Leslie Benzies, landed a $110 million USD investment as a result of its recent fundraising efforts, it revealed.

With this cash injection the studio says it will be able to launch its three flagship products – Everywhere, a Fortnite-inspired open-world platform for players and creators, the episodic game MindsEye, a triple-A title created with Everywhere’s tools, and a set of easy-to-use game design tools called Arcadia. Everywhere and the first episode of MindsEye are planned to be released in the "near future."

Everywhere screenshot of a person walking into a sandy arena.

Everywhere is hoped to be a competitor for Fortnite.

MindsEye is described as a "story-driven game set at a critical moment in humankind’s development, exploring key societal issues around increasing inequality, the explosion of artificial intelligence, the rise of military robots and the impending climate crisis."

This Series D fundraising round was led by RedBird Capital Partners, an investment firm with major investments in (among many other areas) sports teams such as AC Milan and Alpine F1 Team and media companies like Skydance Media, which is active in the games industry as well.

"We are excited to partner with RedBird and our other investors to help us launch Everywhere, MindsEye, and what we believe will be game-changing UGC design tools in Arcadia. RedBird’s expertise in building successful entertainment and media platforms will be invaluable and makes them a perfect partner," said Leslie Benzies in a press release. "I started Build A Rocket Boy so that I could continue to share the stories I love with players and give them a place to create and share. We believe in a future where game creation is put in the hands of the players, and we will empower them with the tools to help shape this vision with us."

Julia Wittlin, a partner at RedBird Capital leading its emerging growth investing strategy, stated: "We are pleased to partner with and support exceptional talent like Leslie and the Build A Rocket Boy team as they build the next genre-defining game studio and entertainment platform. RedBird’s investment portfolio in media, entertainment, sports and experiential consumer enables a differentiated perspective on the gaming industry and its convergence with other forms of interactive entertainment."

Other investors that took part in the funding round include Galaxy Interactive, NetEase Games, Endeavor, Alignment Growth, Woodline Partners LP, and GTAM Partners.

Build A Rocket Boy has expanded its operations with offices in Hungary and France to make good on its ambitious promises.

First alpha tests for Everywhere on PC were announced back in September 2023.