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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion came out today, remastering the PSP FF7 prequel with enhanced combat and graphics. But it looks like someone made a little oopsie over at Square Enix. 

As one player on Twitter pointed out, one of the in-game paintings contains the Getty Images watermark. Final Fantasy 7 doesn't take place on Earth, so this clearly isn't a clever bit of worldbuilding either. 

You can find the painting in question in a Shinra mansion in Chapter 8. 

The watermark suggests Square Enix didn't actually pay for the image, which Kotaku reports comes from artist John Crowther and depicts Ludgate Circus in London in 1881.

Why some Shinra bigwig in Final Fantasy 7 would have a painting of London, England, Earth is anyone's guess. 

If you're still on the fence even after this revelation, check out our Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion review