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The Marvel Snap PvP mode is coming soon and promises to double down on the mobile game’s strategic elements even further. The award-winning game’s design director, Kent-Erik Hagman, outlined the mode in a new Unity blog post and said the team plans on releasing it before the end of January in the game’s 1.0 update.

Battle mode, the PvP mode’s official name, pits two players against each other over several rounds, and victory gradually erodes your opponent’s health meter. Whoever gets their opponent to zero health first wins, but it’s not as simple as it sounds.

Each battle takes about 20 minutes, and decks are locked for the duration of a battle, which means you’ll know every trick your foe has – and they’ll know yours.

“The mind games of learning and anticipating what was in your opponent’s deck and their specific play style was something that would add a ton of fun,” Hagman said in the post. “There’s pure joy in knowing what your opponent wants to do and trying to guess whether they’ll do what you think or feint in another direction.”

Hagman said that in a bit to reward early victories and keep players from using Snap without penalty, the team adjusted health pools and tweaked the system so you can’t deal more damage than you have health remaining.

There’s no firm release date for Marvel Snap’s PvP mode just yet, but expect more news in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, brush up on the best Marvel Snap decks to get an advantage before heading into battle mode.