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Titan Quest 2 has been announced, keeps iconic double-class mechanics

We’re going back to Ancient Greek mythology with this ARPG
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Rumors around Titan Quest 2 have been swirling around for a while now thanks to the infamous NVIDIA leak as well as a grant given to Munich-based developer Grimlore Games by the German video game support fund, which contained a public description of something that suspiciously sounded like a sequel to the 2006 action RPG set in Ancient Greece.

THQ Nordic has made things official now: Titan Quest 2 is in development at Grimlore Games using Unreal Engine 5. While no gameplay has yet been shown, we’ve seen a few screenshots of mythological beasts, vibrant landscapes, and cool lighting effects that’ll come into play for a new feature in the sequel: day and night cycles.

Titan Quest 2 is once again set in Ancient Greece – or at least a version of it in which all the cool stuff from mythology exists. A cinematic trailer provided us with some hints on the background: A jealous goddess seems to have cursed the city state of Sparta, corrupting the Threads of Fate of everyone there. That particular goddess is Nemesis, whose province is retribution, and it seems like players will need to stop her. That sounds like perfectly fine, quintessential Greek mythology stuff to me as far as narrative goes.

Grimlore Games confirmed that one of the defining features of Titan Quest, the ability to mix two different classes together to form something unique, will return for Titan Quest 2. Combat in the game is supposed to feel more tactical and less “like a clickfest,” according to the developers, though of course we haven’t seen this principle in action.

Loot is supposed to feel very meaningful with even the most basic weapons being upgradeable to become unique weapons of which legendary tales will be told for centuries. Titan Quest 2 will take place on a handcrafted open-world map with lots of secrets and enemies are supposed to be able to form factions against the player, combining their own powers together in an interesting mirror to how players can mix abilities of two classes.

Titan Quest 2 will launch on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S at an as-yet undecided date and will be playable in single-player, co-op multiplayer, and PvP multiplayer.