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GLHF’s Game & Fortune Podcast: Episode 8 with Rosie Caddick is now live

Vita means Life with Rosie Caddick
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GLHF’s Game & Fortune has been an educative podcast from the very beginning – it teaches a few essential life lessons. It touches on topics like video game trivia, archaeology, and never trusting a dude called Ryan. There’s only so much we can do alone, though, so it was about time we got a guest from the world of academics. Someone with a really impressive title that drives home how smart and talented they are – which is why we could not be prouder to have welcomed Professor Juice herself to the program.

Rosie Caddick is one of PlayStation’s public faces, being the presenter at PlayStation Access, so getting her into a conversation with the greatest living expert on the PS Vita – that’s our own George, for those asking – was a recipe for a show full of educational value.

Yeah, not even the presence of Dave (only knows One Piece), Kirk (love you, boss), Ollie (only knows Kingdom Hearts), and Griff (wait, isn’t he a movie writer?) could diminish this aspect of Game & Fortune Episode 8 – we also needed them for the whole trivia quiz thing, so… couldn’t exactly kick them out.

Rosie Caddick on the cover of GLHF's Game & Fortune podcast.

Welcome to a lesson with Rosie Caddick.

GLHF’s Game & Fortune Podcast: Episode 8 – Vita means Life with Rosie Caddick is now available on the following platforms: