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Baldur’s Gate 3 PSA: Don’t miss this unique summon in the Mind Flayer Colony

Don't miss the Summon Us item or Conjure Us spell in BG3's Mind Flayer Colony, or you'll regret it
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More characters make all situations easier to manage. It’s true! Having a full party of four characters is far easier than going at things by yourself in Baldur’s Gate 3, and if you can summon a few thralls, or have the undead do your bidding, then things get even easier. Fantastic.

If you want the maximum number of allies by your side, you will want the Conjure Us spell. Us is the friendly Intellect Devourer from the beginning of the game – if you happened to ally yourself with it – and in the Mind Flayer Colony below Moonrise, you can meet with Us again, and even add them to your team – very helpful for the future.

Read through the details below so you don’t miss the Conjure Us spell hidden inside BG3’s Mind Flayer Colony.

Finding the Conjure Us spell and Summon Us item – BG3

Chop and the Morgue are down the first right path you cross.

Chop and the Morgue are down the first right path you cross.

Once you’ve dropped down into the underbelly of Moonrise Tower from the roof, you will immediately be able to get this spell. Head to the Morgue to meet Chop, a friendly – but mindless – being that can only chop up corpses.

Us is stuck in a cage in the Morgue.

Us is stuck in a cage in the Morgue.

To the right of the entrance you’ll find Us in a cage. Us has been locked up, but you can convince Chop to hand over the cage key. Freeing Us will give you the Conjure Us spell.

Chop can be persuaded to hand over the key, or you can kill him.

Chop can be persuaded to hand over the key, or you can kill him.

Interacting with the cage door will set off Chop, and allow you to attempt your Persuasion to get the key. You can, alternatively, pickpocket the key, or kill Chop in order to retrieve it.

Take the key from Chop to free Us.

Take the key from Chop to free Us.

Killing Chop is actually a good thing for him – he welcomes death – but the other Intellect Devourers roaming around the Mind Flayer Colony will become hostile towards you.

Once freed, Us will give you the Summon Us item and Conjure Us spell.

Once freed, Us will give you the Summon Us item and Conjure Us spell.

Once freed you’ll be given the Summon Us item in your inventory, which makes the Conjure Us spell appear in your hotbar. You will now be able to bring Us out at any time, and it can be summoned again after dying.

Use the spell to bring Us onto the field to help you in battle.

Use the spell to bring Us onto the field to help you in battle.

 Us will even camouflage itself as a cat when in friendly areas, so people won’t get scared or suspicious, like when you’re roaming around with skeleton thralls.