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How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Intergrade

How long it takes to beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the Yuffie DLC in Intergrade

With Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth standing tall on the horizon, it’s understandable that you may want to dive back into the first game in this series of remakes. Whether you’re starting the story fresh for the first time, or just want a refresher as the original released four years ago, it’s a big time commitment.

While Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade isn’t anywhere near as long as Rebirth promises to be, it’s still a full RPG, so we’ll tell you how long it takes to beat.

How many chapters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

FF7R Intergrade Banner

There are 18 chapters in FF7R, and they can vary in length quite significantly. The shortest is around 30 minutes, while the longest clocks in at roughly 2 and a half hours. The length of each also depends on how much side content you complete including summon battles, side quests, and hidden collectibles.

Here is the full chapter list:

  • Chapter 1 – The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
  • Chapter 2 – The Fateful Encounters
  • Chapter 3 – Home Sweet Slum
  • Chapter 4 – Mad Dash
  • Chapter 5 – Dogged Pursuit
  • Chapter 6 – Light the Way
  • Chapter 7 – A Trap is Sprung
  • Chapter 8 – Building Bodyguard
  • Chapter 9 – The Town That Never Sleeps
  • Chapter 10 – Rough Waters
  • Chapter 11 – Haunted
  • Chapter 12 – Fight for Survival
  • Chapter 13 – A Broken World
  • Chapter 14 – In Search of Hope
  • Chapter 15 – The Day Midgar Stood Still
  • Chapter 16 – The Belly of the Beast
  • Chapter 17 – Deliverance from Chaos
  • Chapter 18 – Destiny’s Crossroads

How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Cloud staring at a Mako Reactor

If you keep up a good pace and don’t get stuck by any of the game’s big bosses, then you can beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake in 25-30 hours, even while completing all of the side quests. However, if you’re aiming for a 100% run then you’ll need to be a lot more thorough, and looking at upwards of 50 hours with hard mode runs and other side content.

How many chapters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade Yuffie DLC?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Yuffie

This DLC that gives us a prequel story for Rebirth party member Yuffie is much shorter than the main game at just two chapters and well worth the time spent

  • Chapter 1 – Wutai’s Finest
  • Chapter 2 – Covert Ops

How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade Yuffie DLC?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Yuffie holding Materia

Although only two chapters, this DLC’s chapter length averages a little longer than the main game, and it’ll take about five hours to beat them both.