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Before you get going in Redfall, you'll need to decide which character you will play as. Each character has different abilities, with those that aid defense and mobility, to some that unleash huge bursts of power. Once you’ve started your game, you can’t change mid-way, and which character is best depends on whether you’re playing solo or in a team.

We’ll go through every character and explain their roles, and pick the best Redfall character for your playthrough.

Jacob Boyer – Redfall

Redfall Jacob

With the exact kind of hooded-emo look you’d expect from a vampire movie protagonist, Jacob is the stealth-focused character. His raven allows you to mark enemies before you strike, you can sneak in with invisibility, and the summonable sniper rifle can get you out of a jam.

The problem is that Jacob’s raven can often be unreliable, and the sniper rifle is only helpful in quite specific situations. Plus, if you’re playing as a team, then their lack of stealth options will prevent you from making the most of yours. That said, if a mission just involved sneaking in, grabbing an item, and then sneaking out again, Jacob’s invisibility power lets you absolutely cheese them.

Layla Ellison – Redfall

Redfall Layla

Layla can use her umbrella to shield herself and anyone behind her, cast a lift to boost herself and her allies into the air, and summon her vampire ex-boyfriend to come and aid you in fights.

If you’re playing solo, then Layla is a bad choice. Lift is good for a quick exit, but her other abilities can’t be relied upon to save you. While the umbrella can do damage when dispelled, you can’t do anything else while casting it, meaning it only works as part of a team. Plus, while her boyfriend can be helpful, he doesn’t do all that much damage to be worth it.

Devinder Crousley – Redfall

Redfall Devinder

Devinder is the character to choose if you’re playing solo, and you’ll likely find yourself leading the charge in any team too.

His arc javelin will deal chip damage to enemies and can potentially control their movement by temporarily blocking a path, and if he ever finds himself surrounded, he can instantly petrify vampires and stun humans with his Blacklight ability. Petrification is one of the quickest and easiest ways to kill vampires, making this a must-have.

Remedios De La Rosa – Redfall

Redfall Remedios

Remedios is the happy middle ground in Redfall, as she can be useful both as a solo player and a team member.

Her ability to set C4 traps is great for any mischievous players out there, and she can throw out a decoy target if things are ever getting a little too hot to handle. Finally, her ultimate is the only innate healing ability in the game, making her extremely useful to have on the field.