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Skull and Bones steel location

How to get steel ingots in Skull and Bones

Wood is all well and good – and it’s what you need to ensure that your boat stays afloat – but you can’t have a truly formidable ship without reliable steel underfoot. Steel is needed to craft a few items like furniture and weapons, but most importantly, it’s vital to building the Padewakang ship in Skull and Bones.

We’ll tell you where you can find the materials for Steel, and how to turn it into ingots.

Steel location in Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones

To make steel you’ll first need to mine pure iron. This resource is found around the coast of the East Indies region of the map. Specifically, the small archipelago around the Nilam Sea has multiple mining points for pure iron that you can harvest as long as you have a pickaxe to hand.

If you prefer more violent means, then you can obtain steel ingots directly by pillaging settlements up the west coast of the East Indies.

How to turn pure iron into steel in Skull and Bones

To turn your pure iron into steel you’ll need to take it to any of the full settlements where you can dock and take it to a Refiner. There you can turn three pure iron into one steel ingot at the cost of 10 Silver.