Bethesda reveals Doom: The Dark Ages during Xbox Games Showcase

Ye Olde Bloode and Gore
Bethesda/iD Software

Bethesda and iD Software finally revealed Doom: The Dark Ages, and like the rumors suggested, the bloodsoaked FPS game I is a prequel in a medieval setting. Bethesda says it’s “like nothing id Software has made before,” which is only partially true, since The Dark Ages looks very much like Doom.

The Doom Slayer, outfitted with a mix of medieval-inspired armor and weapons and futuristic slaying machines, blasts, slashes, hooks, and decapitates their way through hell as usual, but it sounds like iD is using The Dark Ages to dig a bit deeper into Doom’s narrative, such as it is. Expect a full prequel and a story “of epic proportions.”

Combat is still the main focus, though, and Doom: The Dark Ages introduces several new weapons. Headlining the lot are a “face-shattering” flail and a shield that doubles as a chainsaw you can throw, which is pretty cool. The Slayer also gets a giant mech, which is even cooler. It’s called the Altan, a massive, tower-sized mech that helps you take on the biggest fiends in hell, and it’s not the only fancy tool up your sleeves. You also get a mecha dragon that flies through the air and spews rivers of fire.

Doom: The Dark Ages launches for PC via Windows, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5 sometime in 2025. If you're after more new game announcements, check out our Summer Game Fest roundup and all the games shown off during Day of the Devs 2024.

Josh Broadwell