Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 collectibles – all Lorestangir locations

Check out where to find all 18 Lorestangir posts in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a very linear experience, but that doesn't mean going off the beaten path isn't rewarding. Like the first game's lorestones, the sequel features various Lorestangir posts across its various levels. Walking up to these posts and focusing on the runes on them reveals audio logs that recount the history of that land and its people.

Hellblade 2 contains a total of 18 Lorestangir posts, though not all are divided equally among its six chapters. The majority of these posts can be found in chapters 4 and 5, but we've collected them all in this comprehensive guide for your pleasure.

Chapter 1 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

Landfall - The first chapter, Reykjanestá, only contains one Lorestangir post, and it's one you can't miss. After climbing the cliff, keep heading down the main path and you'll come across the post. The Furies will tell you to focus on it, as this one acts as a tutorial of sorts.

Location of the Lorestangir in Chapter 1 of Hellblade 2
The first Lorestangir post is hard to miss. / Ninja Theory/GLHF

Chapter 2 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

The second chapter, Freyslaug, contains four Lorestangir pillars.

Freyslaug Sighted - The first can be found when you're walking with Thorgestr towards the entrance of the settlement. Simply take a right, and walk by a hut to see the post.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 2 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Return Home - The next one will be right after you enter the settlement. After exiting the house with the hanging body, and before focusing on the first hidden face, take a left and walk into the opening with the spiked fences. Take a left and crawl under to the other end.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 2 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Draugar Ceremony - The next one can be found during the Draugar ceremony. After crossing a cliff's edge, take a left towards the stairs. Climb it, and follow the path to find the Lorestangir post.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 2 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Meeting the Stranger - After rescuing the stranger, later revealed as Fargrímr, keep walking till you pass the broken bridge and look out for a wooden signpost. Fargrímr will keep going to the right, but you'll have to take a left to get to the Lorestangir post.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 2 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Chapter 3 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

The third chapter, Rauoðhólar, contains six Lorestangir posts.

Red Hills - When walking with Fargrímr, you’ll approach the ruins of an area that has seen Illtauga’s wrath. Keep to the left to follow the cracks in the ground, and you’ll come across a hidden face. Face the opposite direction, and take a left, and you’ll find the Lorestangir post

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

On the Hill - After the cutscene with Fargrímr ends and you exit his house, take a right and you’ll see the pillar at the highest point of that cliff. Walk around the block to get to the pilar by a broken house.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

On The Hill - After completing the first altar puzzle, keep going forward till you see a small ledge, with the Lorestangir post right over it. You can't climb this ledge, so just walk around the path to the right, squeeze through the rocky area, and you'll get to the pillar in no time.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

On The Hill - The next Lorestangir can be found right after completing the second altar puzzle. Keep following the main path and you'll be in an area with some pools of water. Look towards the left of the main path, squeeze through the rocks, and climb a couple of ledges.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

On The Hill - The fifth pillar is right near where we found the fourth. Keep going on the main path, and notice a small cave you can crawl through on the right to find the post.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Find The Hiddenfolk - The final Lorestangir pillar of the chapter can be found when you're completing the next altar puzzle. It will be on the ceiling as you pick up the third ball towards the end of the puzzle.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 3 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Chapter 4 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

The fourth chapter, Huldufólk, contains three Lorestangir posts.

Enter the Caves - In the Hiddenfolk cave, take a right after hitting the second, deeper level when the Furies' voices tell you “Don’t let the torch die."

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 4 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Enter the Caves - This next one can be found right after completing the first puzzle involving the mists in the caves as you overlook an area that resembles a bridge. There's a hidden ledge here that you only need to take a few steps to drop down and climb back up to the pillar.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 4 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Act of Sacrifice - The final Lorestangir pillar is near the exit of the caves. After following the lights, you'll be faced with two tunnels. On the left you can see some pools of water covered in the green mist, and on the right is the path to the Lorestangir pillar.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 4 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Chapter 5 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

The fifth chapter, Bárðavik, contains four Lorestangir pillars.

To the Sea - Shortly after the start of the chapter, go up a slope on the right of the main path to find a waterfall inside a cave. After reaching the waterfall turn back and lean to the left through the stream of water for the Lorestangir.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 5 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Sjavarrisi - After Astridr talks about her mother, take a right and you’ll see the Lorestangir on the other side of the rocks. Walk around the path to get to it.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 5 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Another Question - During the first puzzle with the glyphs in this sub-chapter, get to the second stage near the shipwreck. Before focusing on the glyph/orb here, look towards the area with the green mist. Walk past the broken ship and into the mist to find a crack you can squeeze through, and keep following the path to find the Lorestangir.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 5 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Another Question - The final Lorestangir pillar can be found when you're walking through the village as the giant is ravaging it in the storm. Towards the end of the linear path, take a left before reaching Astrid’s hut which is marked by a torch beside it.

Location of a Lorestangir in Chapter 5 of Hellblade 2
Ninja Theory/GLHF

Chapter 6 Lorestangir locations - Hellblade 2

There are no Lorestangirs to find in the final chapter, so you can focus completely on finishing Senua's saga.

That's it! You've found all the Lorestangir pillars and listened to various stories that reveal more about 9th-century Iceland. So what do you get for going through the ordeal? Well, focusing on all of them will unlock the "Tales of Midgard" achievement/trophy.

Druth can be unlocked as a narrator.
Druth can be unlocked as a narrator. / Ninja Theory/GLHF

You'll also unlock Druth as a narrator, who's from the first game. You can also listen to Grettir's story at his final resting place by choosing the Lorestangir Stories options from the Extras menu.

Listen to Grettir's story at his final resting place.
Listen to Grettir's story at his final resting place. / Ninja Theory/GLHF

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is available on PC and Xbox Series X|S. The game can also be downloaded through Xbox Game Pass on both platforms. As stated in our review, its limited interactivity hurts a story that could have been served better as a movie.

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Rahul Majumdar


Rahul is a writer and filmmaker from India, currently navigating the entertainment industry in Mumbai. With a keen interest in film, video games, and the tech that drives them, Rahul has written for multiple outlets like TechQuila, IGN India and IndiaTimes. He has also worked on some shows and films you may or may not have heard of, although he vastly prefers gaming binge-sessions. His favourite games include The Witcher 3 (how original), and Assassin's Creed games of yore, and he's trying his best to get into more Nintendo games. When not rambling about pop culture in blogs, you can usually find him doing the same in bite-sized chunks over at Twitter (or whichever platform is popular at the moment)!