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When you arrive in Hateno Village in Tears of the Kingdom, it won’t take long before you find yourself wrapped up in the Mayoral Election. This multi-part quest sees you attempting to mend a feud between Mayor Reede, who prefers tradition, and Cece, a fashionista who wants to bring the future to the sleepy hamlet.

To polish off the entire questline, you’ll need to complete the following Side Adventures:

  • Team Cece or Team Reede?
  • A New Signature Food
  • A Letter to Koyin
  • Cece’s Secret
  • Reede’s Secret

Let’s break them down one by one.

Team Cece or Team Reede?

Whether you're team Cece or Reede, you're gonna make both of them happy. 

Whether you're team Cece or Reede, you're gonna make both of them happy. 

Once you’ve spoken to the crowd gathered outside of Ventest Clothing, you can head inside and speak to Cece to trigger this quest.

Cece will ask you to deliver eight Hylian Shrooms to Reede supporters around Hateno Village. These people are dotted all over the place and sometimes move around depending on the time of day and the weather conditions, but you’re looking for people who are wearing normal clothing instead of mushroom attire. You can also ignore children.

Here is where you can usually find all eight of them:

  • Worten can be found on the balcony at the village inn.
  • Uma tends to the school’s farm during the day.
  • Koyin and Dantz are both at Hateno Pasture.
  • Leop hangs around near the town bulletin board during the day.
  • Medda is in a house on the south side of Hateno, but sometimes can be found wandering the hillsides.
  • Tamano tends the gate at night time.
  • Tokk walks the winding path up the hill to Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.

You can hand all the villagers on this list a mushroom by talking to them, though some attend different duties during certain times of the day and won’t accept one while they’re busy. If the option isn’t there, just come back at a different time of the day.

Head back to Cece and she will reward you with a Big Hearty Truffle. Once you’ve got that, speak to Cece’s sister, Sophie, outside the shop and she will ask you to follow Cece at night.

TOTK: Cece’s Secret

Cece has a secret and you're going to find it if you want that hat.

Cece has a secret and you're going to find it if you want that hat.

Once you’ve accepted the quest from Sophie, you need to either sleep at the inn or wait at a bonfire until nightfall. Once darkness falls, head back to Ventest Clothing and speak to Sophie again. Once you have, head outside and onto the shop roof, where you can watch Cece without her spotting you.

Keep following her across the rooftops until she turns around the mill over the road. Follow her around, keeping the mill between you, and you’ll see her go inside.

You can enter the mill from a window in the middle of the structure, where you’ll find Cece snacking on vegetables. The drama!

Tell Sophie what you witnessed and she’ll give you 10 Ironshrooms.

TOTK: Reede’s Secret

Mark the spot and then use Ascend from the well beneath. 

Mark the spot and then use Ascend from the well beneath. 

Now that you have some dirt on Cece, it’s the sitting mayor’s turn. To trigger this quest, you have to talk to Reede’s wife, Clavia. I found her wandering around up near Zelda’s house. She’ll tell you that her husband has been acting strangely and locking himself in their shed. She wants you to check the shed during the day when he’s not inside.

There’s just one problem: he keeps the door locked tight.

Luckily for you, there are a series of wells in Hateno. Before you climb into one, mark the location of the shed on your map. Then it’s a simple question of heading to that marker underground and using Ascend to pop into the building.

You’ll find a diary inside where Reede confesses to wanting to use Cece’s fashion sense to make vegetables more appealing. Now speak to Clavia and she’ll reward you with 10 Hylian Tomatoes.

TOTK: A New Signature Food 

Everyone loves a bit of cheese, but can it save Hateno Village in TOTK?

Everyone loves a bit of cheese, but can it save Hateno Village in TOTK?

Find Reede in his house and he’ll tell you about a dish his grandfather used to make in collaboration with someone in town. He can remember how it feels and how it smells, but nothing beyond that. There’s a big clue in the fact he keeps mentioning milk, however.

You need to head to Hateno Pasture, which is on the way up the big hill to the Hateno Ancient Tech lab. Head to the pond next to the farm and speak to Koyin to trigger another Hateno Side Adventure – it’s a lot, isn’t it? – called A Letter for Koyin

TOTK: A Letter for Kolyn

You could make a boat, a bridge, or anything else, but ice is cool. 

You could make a boat, a bridge, or anything else, but ice is cool. 

To complete this quest, which is required to finish A New Signature Food, you have to get the message in the bottle from the middle of the pond.

The trick is to either get close enough while standing on a platform, so you can grab the bottle with Ultrahand and take it to Kolyn. The easiest way we found was to throw Ice Fruit (or anything icy) into the water to create ice block steps across the water.

Drop the bottle next to Kolyn and she’ll read it and be inspired to make a Hateno Cheese shop. You’ll also be given some Hateno Cheese as a reward. Take this back to Reede to complete A New Signature Food. Reede will reward you with 100 rupees, and you can speak to Sophie outside Ventest Clothing afterward to trigger the Mayoral Election.

TOTK Mayoral Election

Once you’ve watched the cutscene play out, Cece will reward you with the Cece Hat, which was on display inside Ventest Clothing. Additionally, she will start selling other armor, including the very swanky Royal Guard Uniform

You’ll also be able to speak to Cece to buy back any clothing you’ve accidentally sold on your journey so far. If you need more cash, here's how to farm rupees in Tears of the Kingdom. We also have the TOTK item duplication glitch for those who want a shortcut. 

For more, check out our Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough